Share your memories of Eugene Peterson

As Response was going to press, we learned that Eugene Peterson ’54, a pastor who wrote many devotional books and the popular contemporary paraphrase of the Bible, The Message, had died at the age of 85.

In the spring issue, we will explore Peterson’s life and work. Meanwhile, we’ve included links below to some of our past stories about him. What has Peterson’s life and work meant to you? Email us at or share your stories below by Jan. 1 and we may include them in our next issue; we’ll also enter you in a chance to win one of Peterson’s books.


Eugene Peterson, author of The Message, says he was “a servant to the text”

Cultivating the imagination: A conversation with Eugene Peterson

Author Eugene Peterson on how we should chew and digest Scripture

Love in a world at war: Eugene Peterson on writing The Message

This note originally appeared on page 2 of the Autumn 2018 issue of Response.

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