This spring, undergraduate students named Katya Nemtchinova, professor of Russian and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, the 2018 Professor of the Year.
“I felt that she is someone who really cared, and this is the ideal of how relationships between students and faculty should look on a Christian campus.”
The Associated Students of Seattle Pacific received nearly 100 nominations, signaling the close faculty-student relationships that form on campus. “We were honored to learn just how blessed our community is to have such a wonderful group of faculty on our campus,” said ASSP President Mary Liu at the Staff Recognition event in April. Finalists, she explained, were selected based on integrating faith and learning, sparking enthusiasm for the subject, service to the SPU community, and more. Nemtchinova excelled in all areas, even taking time to help students not in her own Russian or linguistics classes. One student nominator wrote, “I felt that she is someone who really cared, and this is the ideal of how relationships between students and faculty should look on a Christian campus.”