ELL Specialist / Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) for Bellingham Public Schools

Katie BrownELL Specialist / Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) for Bellingham Public Schools

Bellingham, Washington

MA in Curriculum and Instruction MEd 2009

Honored as 2014 Washington State Teacher of the Year, Brown has taught in Bellingham for 13 years and currently works for Bellingham Public Schools supporting diverse learners through a combination of direct student support, instructional coaching with teachers, and family engagement.

How does your time at SPU connect to the work you’re doing today?

Earning my master’s degree at SPU was a launching pad for my current professional growth. Right now I am earning my Principal Certificate as well as my doctorate of Education and my time at SPU helped to prepare me for these next steps.

Who made a difference in your SPU education?

Dr. David Denton made a difference for me when he personally reached out after I had graduated from SPU to ask me to contribute to the Curriculum in Context e-journal. This gave me an opportunity to publish some of the work I was doing around family engagement for families who speak a language other than English.

What advice do you have for students about life after graduation?

Do your best to find a healthy balance between work and play. When we are happy and healthy emotionally, we can better serve others.


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