How to get a scholarship at a private university

Funding a private college education might seem daunting. But don’t be afraid of the “sticker price.” Our team of financial aid specialists works hard to create financial aid packages our students can afford. In fact, 94% of students at SPU receive financial aid. And the average financial aid per student is $38,601! There are many options for scholarships to fund your tuition. Here are 10 tips to help you along the way.

1. Check out the full list of scholarships

Most university websites have a list of scholarship opportunities associated with the university. Here’s just a sample of SPU’s: Engineering Scholarship, FIRST Robotics Scholarships, Free Methodist Scholarship, Ministry Service Award, Fine Arts Scholarship, ROTC, National Merit, and more. Check out the full list and decide which ones you qualify for, and then apply.

2. Visit!

Not all schools offer a scholarship for visiting campus, but Seattle Pacific does! Attend a visit through the Admissions office between September 1 and May 1 of your senior year to qualify.

3. Scholarship search sites

Thousands of scholarship opportunities exist for students from virtually all experiences and backgrounds. Think about what makes you unique, and any work, academic, or extracurricular experiences you have, and search for scholarship opportunities. Start with SPU’s Outside Scholarships Search tool on our Student Financial Services website.

4. Apply, apply, apply

Ineliz Soto-Fuller, director Undergraduate Admissions at Seattle Pacific, says, “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard about scholarships that could have gone to several students, but only a few students applied. Apply for everything out there, because you never know!”

5. Be organized

Utilize tools like Google Calendar to make sure things are done on time. Create your own scholarship binder and organize it by month that opportunities are due.

6. Look local

Talk to your local hometown clubs and inquire about scholarship opportunities.

7. Get personal

Share your story and be vulnerable. Make sure to highlight what makes you unique!

8. Just ask

Have your parents ask their place of employment. Make sure to ask for recommendation letters from reliable writers.

9. Got a great GPA?

Depending on the school, you might qualify for an automatic scholarship just based on your GPA! SPU’s merit-based scholarships are awarded based on GPA, automatic, and renewable for up to four academic years. They take off a big chunk of the tuition cost. But never fear, even if you don’t qualify based on your GPA, there are many other scholarship opportunities to consider.

10. Be involved

Be active at school and in your community! These activities can be highlighted in scholarship applications.

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