Shot from the church balcony looking down at main floor with people standing in the pews and a music team performing on stage.

For more than a century, Seattle Pacific University has woven Christian faith into the fabric of daily campus life, a tradition that began with its Free Methodist founders.

Today, students engage in spiritual life through numerous opportunities, from meeting and praying with their student ministry coordinators (SMCs) to serving local nonprofits through Urban Involvement to attending Group, a midweek, biweekly worship service. Of all the worship opportunities at SPU, though, Chapel remains the most time-honored.

Although the COVID pandemic moved Chapel online in the early 2020s, services are once again held each Tuesday during the academic year at Seattle First Free Methodist Church, adjacent to campus.

“Chapel is not just a location,” said Rev. Derick Harris, director of Student Ministries and campus pastor. “It’s a time of dedicated posture that includes corporate worship, prayer, reflection, a midday centering of self — and a memory that in the business of the day, we are more than our productivity.”

While some professors require students to attend and write reflections at least once a quarter, Chapel remains optional. Yet this year, services have routinely drawn more than 150 students, faculty, and staff each week.

“Our goal is to help students integrate their faith into all aspects of their SPU experience — academically, socially, and personally.” — Rev. Derick Harris

Welcomed by student greeters, attendees find their place in the pews as student musicians open with contemporary songs and classic hymns. A speaker — whether from the campus community or a local faith leader — then offers a homily. After the service’s close, students are able to remain and ask for prayer with Student Ministries staff, if they want.

“As much as Chapel is a vibrant encounter with the risen Lord, there’s also a kind of communal practicality to it,” said Matthew Sigler, associate professor of worship and historical theology and director of Chapel. “It is a place where faculty, staff, and students can be in the same place to share joys, hopes, concerns.”

Senior Aubrey Ramsbottom, who serves as officer of ministries for the Associated Students of Seattle Pacific (ASSP), helps coordinate student-led ministry efforts while connecting students to spiritual-life opportunities.

Describing her role as a bridge between Student Ministries and the student body, Ramsbottom has seen her own faith grow. “Being surrounded by people who love God and demonstrate what it looks like to love each other well does massive things for your faith,” she said.

That’s good news to Harris. “Our goal is to help students integrate their faith into all aspects of their SPU experience — academically, socially, and personally,” he said.

Sigler added, “At a Christian university, worship isn’t something we do in isolation from learning — it’s part of it. It shapes how we think, live, and engage with the world.”

For many students, these experiences foster not only spiritual growth but also a sense of belonging. “One of the most powerful things about Chapel and Student Ministries is the way they bring people together,” Ramsbottom said. “Whether through a conversation after a service, a small-group study, or serving alongside one another, these moments build real community.”

Ultimately, SPU’s approach to faith formation strives to shape students holistically. “We want students to leave SPU with a faith that is both deeply rooted and actively lived out,” Harris said. “We’re not just educating students for economic progress; we’re also aiming to mature students in their faith and in their purposes.”

President Deana Porterfield agreed, saying, “My hope is that Chapel, along with other spiritual formation opportunities across campus, will shape students with a deep understanding of Christ,  a faith that is both personal and communal, and a calling to serve others with wisdom, integrity, and compassion.”

For more information, visit the Student Ministries website to see the current Chapel schedule, including speakers, dates, and times.

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