John Bond teaches class | photo courtesy the SPU archives

PRIOR TO COMING to Seattle Pacific in 2008, John Bond retired from a 36-year career as a teacher, principal, and superintendent in the Northshore
School District in Bothell, Washington. In June 2022, Bond retired again, this time after 14 years as professor of educational administration and supervision in SPU’s School of Education.

The son and grandson of teachers, Bond started as a fifth grade teacher and served the last eight years as assistant superintendent. In between, he was an
assistant principal for four years and a principal for 16.

Bond often interacted with SPU undergraduates who were student teaching or SPU graduate students training to become principals or superintendents. The quality of the education students impressed Bond, who didn’t hesitate to join SPU’s faculty when he received a job offer in 2008.

“One of the best parts of my job at SPU was supervising principal and superintendent interns and being part of their journeys,” he said. “I could reflect back to when I was going down that path myself.”

Bond primarily taught principal and superintendent certification courses, supervised interns, and engaged with public school leaders throughout the state. His scholarship includes 20 authored or co-authored articles and book chapters, along with many presentations at professional conferences. He also served as the department chair and as a doctoral faculty member.

“John is the consummate professional who shared so much wisdom with his students and colleagues,” said Pete Renn, associate professor of curriculum and instruction. “No matter how challenging a situation, he always demonstrated calm and always offered his assistance to find a solution.”

In retirement again, Bond plans to devote more time to hobbies, including carpentry, auto mechanics, and fixing up an old house with his wife. “I’m also
starting my third career as a full-time grandpa,” Bond said.

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