spubound photo contest #bestpet

Pets are our furry companions who hold special places in our hearts — it’s hard to leave home without them! On July 1, we launched our second theme in the #spubound photo contest for Seattle Pacific’s 2019 incoming class.

Incoming students showed us their #bestpet photos on social media, and we narrowed it down to the top six.

You voted to choose the best photo, and you chose Tiffany’s “Sugar blizzard” pet as the winner! She will receive a $25 Amazon gift card at Orientation. Two themes down and five more to go!

All students who have submitted photos will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win Airpods at the end of the contest. Every photo submission per theme will count as a raffle entry.

Voting closed on Sunday, July 14 at 11:59 p.m.

6. “Paddle boarding pup”: @sydneyporter6

Oscar loves to join Syd on her adventures!

5. “Seeing double”: @lexybrieane

Westies are Lexy’s besties and double the fun.

4. “Codename Rondo”: @lilly.briney

All the best names come from songs! Lilly’s sweet dog Rondo has one cool name.

3. “Sugar blizzard”: @ann_good_win

Tiffany’s adorable sugar glider, Kiwi, is ready to take your order!

2. “Petwarts” @AubsLinguine

Aubrey’s dog, Draco, and cat, Padfoot, are housed in Gryffindor and Slytherin; but they’re still the best buds.

1. “Superdog” @alyssadecarlo23

Alyssa’s pup, Bear, has the cutest expressions. Here is Bear in superhero stance.

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