girls playing flag football

Communities unite us and help us be a part of something greater than ourselves. Whether it be communities of people who share the same interest or passion; communities of people trying to bring about change; or communities of people brought together by geographic boundaries. We want to know why you love your community and why it’s important to you. On August 17, we launched our second to last theme in the #spubound photo contest for Seattle Pacific’s 2020 incoming class.

We asked incoming students to show us their #mycommunity photos on social media, and Chloe’s photo is the winner! She has won $50 to donate to any community-based nonprofit organization. Congratulations!

The #spubound photo contest is almost over! Only ONE more theme to go!

All students who submit photos will be entered into a raffle to win a $150 Amazon gift card at the end of the contest.

The voting stage was omitted due to the lack of entries.

1. @chlopatrah

“My graduating high school class of 20 <3”

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